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Can I get reimbursed for paying off my spouses student loans?
Can I get reimbursed for paying off my spouses student loans?

No. The Texas Family Code explicitly provides that a few things cannot become a reimbursable claims upon divorce. Student loans are one of those items.

This is a matter of "public policy" that the Texas Legislature simply believes should not be something that spouses argue over upon divorce. If you paid off your spouses students loans, that is money that you can never get back. No matter how big the loan, or what the source of funds were that you used to pay off the loan, that money cannot be reimbursed to you during a divorce proceeding.

  • Stephen D. Carl

    Stephen Carl practices civil litigation, focusing primarily on family law cases. Stephen graduated, cum laude, from Baylor Law School with a special distinction in family law and as an editor for the Baylor Law Review. Stephen is ...


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