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Naman Howell understands that in today’s world technology has taken a major role in everyday life, and law firms are no different.  The firm has prioritized its technological infrastructure to help increase efficiency, improve performance, and better protect our client’s sensitive data. 

Our cloud-first approach to technology puts us in step, and in some ways ahead of many of the “big law” firms to create even more value for our clients.  Naman Howell team members are afforded access to state-of-the-art technology that allows for prompt and secure communications internally and externally, immediate access to billions of pages of secured documents on any of their devices 24-hours a day, and full remote capabilities to meet our client’s needs no matter where they may be located at the moment.

The firm’s investment and commitment to technology reflects our understanding that to provide our clients with the greatest value we must never stop moving forward and innovating.  We remain committed to working towards providing our clients with the most cost-effective and robust technological solutions within the legal market today.

The firm elects to work closely with many technology vendors who provide for the following:

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