Naman Howell Attorneys Speak at 2018 ALFA International Transportation Seminar
Naman Howell partners Clark Aspy and Jay Lea were both invited to speak at the 2018 ALFA International Transportation Practice Group Seminar in May of this year. The seminar delved into the litigation issues effecting trucking companies today, and the types of litigation defense that those companies need given the increased targeting by plaintiffs firms who continue filing suits against them.
Mr. Aspy's and Mr. Lea's expertise was requested for topics such as how to address many of the challenging and evolving issues affecting case evaluations in today's practice, and presentation of arguments on the admissibility of key evidence. Along with other experts in the field, they were able to provide important information on how defense counsel can best serve their trucking clients both now and into the future.
Naman Howell is proud to have attorneys who are so well known in their respected areas that they are asked to present year round at conferences and seminars such as these. To see how we may be able to put this expertise to work for you, please visit our Practice Areas page.