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Naman Howell Launches New Branding

In 1917, three lawyers in Waco, Texas, created the law firm now known as Naman Howell Smith & Lee, PLLC. Our legacy began with a commitment to excellence and an unwavering dedication to our clients – a legacy that lives on in the heart of our practice. 

Through changing times and evolving legal landscapes, we have continually expanded our expertise and honed our skills to meet the needs of our clients. 

Our firm has grown substantially, and today, Naman Howell has a team of over 100 attorneys and five offices across Texas. As we look to the future, we remain committed to the principles that have defined our firm for over a century. 

Today, we're excited to announce a new chapter in our firm's history.

To better reflect our growing firm and carry our legacy into the next century, we are refreshing our brand. Our new logo honors our firm's history by incorporating aspects of our current brand with a modernized look and color.

With this updated look, we are excited to continue to bring the same legal expertise that has defined our firm since 1917.

About Naman Howell 
Since 1917, Naman Howell Smith & Lee has provided individuals and businesses throughout Texas with the personal attentiveness and expertise they need on their legal matters when they need it most. We pride ourselves on our heritage, vision, and exceptional results. For more information about Naman Howell, please visit

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