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A Century Of Legal Excellence

  • 100+
  • 50+
    Practice Areas
  • 5
    Texas Locations
  • 100+
    Years of Legal Excellence
  • Offering Personalized,
    Sophisticated Representation

    Naman Howell attorneys have the legal expertise and track record of success necessary to soundly represent you or your business.

    Offering Personalized, Sophisticated Representation
  • Naman Howell brings Texas legal expertise to the world at large.  We handle a wide range of legal matters throughout the State of Texas for both domestic and international clients.  Established in 1917, and with five offices across the state, our clients have come to appreciate our knowledge and responsiveness to their matters.  We don't stop at Texas though.  With numerous attorneys licensed in other states, and being a founding member of ALFA International, we also possess the national and international reach that many of our clients require to handle even the most far reaching and complex of legal issues. 

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